Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Other Happenings over the last two weeks

A few days ago, I witnessed an oil fire where they tried to smother it, but just caught the blanket on fire. They then dragged the pot and blanket outside and sprayed it with water, as their last hope. I huge fireball erupted, but then the fire quickly went out after that. It was really something to watch. It made me thankful that in the US we have fire extinguishers. It would have ended the fire so easily.

Last Sunday, a few volunteers and I left town for the day and ventured out to Peqin, a small town about 5 minutes west of Pajove (by furgon). It was a beautiful day. We met up with the owner of the restaurant, Argon, we go to everyday in Pajove and had a coffee with him. He then drove us out to the bazaar and we looked around and hiked up by the river. After a while Argon left and we walked back to town and stopped to look at a small old castle left over from the Ottomans. We joined in a pick up game of soccer with a couple of the local boys. It was a lot of fun. The boys were hilarious. They would call each other by the names of the soccer players of the jerseys’ they were wearing. Some of them would pose for Diana and her camera and other would run like crazy to get away from us taking their pictures. They were not afraid to take my water and then finish it in about 10 second either. I didn’t mind, but it was just surprising when they said “uje” (water) and I tentatively gave them my water and it was then passed around and finished. Overall, the day was extremely relaxing and a much-needed break from our usual routines.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could play soccer - if I'd have been there I would have totally made them laugh at my pathetic attempts to kick the ball ;) Miss you!
