Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 16: Site Assignment Announcement

It was a long day today. We waited for 4pm for the Training manager to give us our sites. We had technical training all day and by four all we wanted was to hear where we were going. Being toward the beginning of the alphabet, I didn’t have to wait long to hear my site. I will be living in Fushe-Arrez. It is in Northern Albanian near Puke (the capital of the district. Pronounced: pook). I will be the only Peace Corps volunteer at my sight. There are three volunteers in Puke, which is only 20 minutes away. As for the weather, it will be very cold during the winter and have a milder summer. It is high in mountains.

The school that I will be teaching at looks like it is an amazing place. They have a school newspaper, concerts, a debate club and more. Fifty percent of those who graduate move on to university. It is the director’s goal to increase that percentage. Other than that I don’t know much about the site at the moment and will return in a later posting with more details.

1 comment:

  1. yay Pige!!! I bet you feel better knowing - best of luck! When will you go there?
